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For the Beauty of the Church

My first two blogs for Evangel – “Hosting the Holy One” and “Sartorial Eye for the Clerical Guy” – generated a lot of controversy because I dared to question our beauty-making as Christians. In March, Baker Books will release a new book that should deepen our . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama the king

Barack Obama has been president for just over twelve months and in his recent state of the union address he set out his priorities for his second year in office. It is no surprise that many observers are now questioning Obama’s overall effectiveness in the presidency as unemployment remains . . . . Continue Reading »

(Re)Discovering the evangelical mind

Every so often someone in the popular press will make the apparently earth-shattering discovery that evangelical Christians can actually think and are not, after all, “poor, uneducated and easy to command,” as journalist Michael Weisskopf notoriously put it nearly two decades ago. The . . . . Continue Reading »

On Loving Karen

Thank you, lady, for reminding me what it was like To fall in love with Karen Fifty years ago. It was her eyes that did me in, Blue as the sapphire stones She bought along the Indian Ocean. Blue, with sadness deep behind them, And merriment like candle’s flames on golden foil. Eyes incapable of . . . . Continue Reading »



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