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Ash Wednesday

Joel 2:12–192 Peter 1:2–11Matthew 6:1–6, 16–21Return to the Lord Your God with All Your HeartWith Jesus, we set our face toward Jerusalem. We make our pilgrimage with Him by the way of repentance, and thus return to the dying and rising of Holy Baptism. Each day He summons you to . . . . Continue Reading »

Power corrupts?

Lord Acton famously wrote that “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” a statement frequently quoted and all too often accepted at face value. Mark Earley’s modification is an improvement:But remember this: power corrupts, but power itself is not . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama Can’t Find a Moderate Muslim

CNS news has the goods on Rashad Hussain, the 31-year-old Indian-American whom Obama just appointed as America’s first ambassador to the Organization of Islamic States. A few years ago, Mr. Hussain was a vocal defender of an accused (and later confessed) funder of the Islamic Jihad, . . . . Continue Reading »

Ken Starr and Baylor University

Ken Starr is going to be named the new president of Baylor University.  Already, there have been rumblings.  Here in Houston, where I live, the pastor of Ecclesia church Chris Seay, who is a well known author, has already suggested people should join him in sending a statement to the Board . . . . Continue Reading »



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