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Worldview and Literature

The final chapter of James W. Sire’s delightful Naming the Elephant (IVP  2004) surveys the overlapping of worldview analysis and academic disciplines.  When he arrives at literature, which is, in many ways, his own first love, Sire observes: “In the past several decades, . . . . Continue Reading »

Attack of the Ugly Babies

A sermon “zinger” used to encourage church plants instead of resuscitating old churches goes like this: “It is easier to have a baby than to raise the dead!” Jesus, however, did only the latter. Evangelism is a bit more complicated than the sound bite conveys, simply because . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

Mark Durie, a human rights activist and Anglican pastor, examines the ” problematic mission and track record ” of the Organization of the Islamic Conference: Comprising 57 states, the Organization of the Islamic Conference is the second-largest intergovernmental institution in the world . . . . Continue Reading »



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