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Should the Scarlet “A” be for Animal Abuse?

Should those who abuse animals be treated in a manner similar to arsonists and sex offenders? Some people in California seem to think so : California may soon place animal abusers on the same level as sex offenders by listing them in an online registry, complete with their home addresses and places . . . . Continue Reading »

The Religious Affiliations of Superheroes

We all know that Superman is a Methodist and Daredevil is a Catholic , but what religious affiliation is Batman (Answer: A lapsed Episcopalian (on his father’s side) / Catholic (mother’s side) )., a site that collects references to published membership/adherent statistics . . . . Continue Reading »

Evangelicals and Icons: A Response

Today, everybody seems to love icons, often more for fashion than theological principle. It was therefore refreshing to read Christopher Benson’s post below, which returned some theology to the discussion. The author disagrees with an ecumenical – which is to say – worldwide . . . . Continue Reading »

What’s the matter with you?

Over at the Ordinary Gentleman, David Schaengold has launched an attack Martin Scorsese’s reputation as a grand homme of American cinema . Using the distinction introduced by our own James Poulos, he claims that Scorsese doesn’t traffic in the sublime, but only the “sense of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Oh Boy

The Giro d’Italia—the second most important stage race in cycling after the Tour de France—is starting in Amsterdam this year, and a politician from the left-wing GroenLinks party has suggested that instead of having podium girls kiss victorious cyclists “podium guys” . . . . Continue Reading »



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