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On the Square Today

Joseph Bottum on anti-Catholicism in French thought : There remains to this day a snarl in French conservative thought, where all sorts of threads are knotted together: nationalists tangled up with anti-Semites, monarchists, anti-Dreyfusards, Lefebverists, and those aging colonialists who long to . . . . Continue Reading »

Bailing out the Problem of Evil [6]

The last time we mentioned that if Joseph had never been sold into slavery, he would have never been in a position to become what he became.And the wily atheist — the one who admits, btw, that even he might be willing to suffer for the sake of something, like being part of the 60 million who . . . . Continue Reading »

Amis Afoul

Martin Amis and Anna Ford are “having a go of it,” as they say. It all started with Amis’s complaint in The Guardian that newspapers make him out to be more controversial than he is . Ford, a longtime friend, responds with an open letter accusing him of narcissism and an . . . . Continue Reading »

Obsessive Conclusion Disorder

At the Guardian , Toby Lichtig reveals how he is held hostage by the books he begins : Are you a non-finisher? A literary tease who picks up books on street corners and then discards them on page 45 without so much as a follow-up text? Are your shelves a sea of protruding bookmarks? Alan . . . . Continue Reading »

Son of Hamas Founder, Agent of Israel

From the AP : The son of one of Hamas’ founders served as a top informant for Israel for more than a decade, providing top-secret intelligence that helped prevent dozens of suicide bombings and other attacks against Israelis, a newspaper reported Wednesday. Mosab Hassan Yousef, dubbed as . . . . Continue Reading »

Who’s Ya Mama?

Have you ever conceived of God as mother? Moses did.Tonight my paternalistic view of God was challenged in the Book of Numbers. Just as a hungry baby turns to his mother, so did the sojourning Israelite.Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann has a special gift for opening eyes to biblical texts . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Charge of the Light Brigade?

Even as President Obama throttles down, trying to ram the presidential limo through the public opinion blockade erected by a huge majority of the people, the barricade is growing. A new CNN poll finds that only 25% of those polled want Obamacare to pass.  That’s a debacle for a man . . . . Continue Reading »



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