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More on Thiessen’s Moral Muddles

For those interested in a detailed discussion of the flaws in Marc Thiessen’s use of double effect to justify “enhanced interrogation techniques,” as well as a sober overall judgment about the moral status of our interrogation policies after 9/11, see Christopher Tollefsen’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Moral Agency Justifies Human Exceptionalism

Joseph Bottum made the point here the other day , commenting on the tragedy in which a killer whale drowned one of his trainers, that humans have no moral claim to make against animals that would require them to respect our lives and bodily integrity. How can it be denied? That we have no rights . . . . Continue Reading »

Note On Exceptionalism

Whatever you want to call the doctrine that America must continue indefinitely to use its ideology as a tool in proactively working to shape world order, the key point is that such an effort may today be desirable and essential on the one hand and self-destructive and unsustainable on the other. . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama, Cranky Professor

Since my computer is less than cooperative tonight I’m going to dispense with providing links and trust your techno-competence to track them down, if you like. We’ve had enough snow here in Rochester that I’ve been reduced to watching some of the Health Care Summit and I thought I . . . . Continue Reading »



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