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Democrats Against Abortion

The very smart, very serious Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, has an op-ed in the Washington Post called “If Republicans Keep Ignoring Abortion, They’ll Lose in the Midterm Elections.” She writes: Republicans oppose President Obama’s health-care . . . . Continue Reading »

Astronomy = Music + Geometry

“[M]y daughter, who has been studying Boethius, the great systematizer of the quadrivium, explained to me the connections between the arts of the quadrivium, in a way that also helped me see the way mathematics really does provide a unifying model for the order and design that underlies all . . . . Continue Reading »

Baby Isaiah Succumbs

I received word last night that Baby Isaiah, the subject of a bitter futile care case in Canada, died in his parent’s arms after they decided the time had come to stop treatment.  They made that decision—not the doctors and not the courts—based on the bad news they received . . . . Continue Reading »

Christians, Fill Out the Census

Recently, there have been a number of well-meaning, though misguided, conservatives who are advocating filling in the Census with false information. Justin Taylor explains why that shouldn’t be an option for Christians : Some conservatives—for example, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, a . . . . Continue Reading »



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