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Okay With Thanksgiving Clichés

The annual Thanksgiving messages have begun to show up around the web (for America’s Thanksgiving Day, that is). This time of year poses a bit of a problem for Christian bloggers: how to express our thankfulness without saying the same thing everyone else has already said. It is the challenge of . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Nat Hentoff Gets It

My pal Nat Hentoff, one of the country’s most respected civil libertarians, weighs in against Donald Berwick’s desire to eliminate most doctor/patient face-to-face meetings, Paul Krugman’s assertion that we need “death panels” to control costs, and Obamacare generally, . . . . Continue Reading »

Happy Thanksgiving

I have over the years become something of a connoisseur (if I’m permitted to use such a French word for such an American thing) of presidential Thanksgiving proclamations .  My reason for an interest in a thing so potentially banal (and trust me, some of the proclamations are beyond . . . . Continue Reading »

Thanking the Puritans on Thanksgiving

There’s little less fashionable today than praising the Puritans, especially for their egalitarian political idealism, their promotion of genuinely humane and liberating learning, and their capacity for enjoyment and human happiness. Praising the Puritans is especially difficult for us because . . . . Continue Reading »



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