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Koyzis’ top ten (plus)

Joe Carter has his ten. Here is my list:1. Abraham Kuyper, Lectures on Calvinism. This is the place to start for anyone interested in cultivating a christian worldview. Kuyper delivered these lectures in 1898 as part of the ongoing Stone Lectures at Princeton Seminary, then the bastion of Reformed . . . . Continue Reading »

Nancy Pelosi, Theocrat

Imagine this: A conservative congresswoman, her voice edgy with religious fervor, stands before a press corps announcing her intention to end abortion rights in her state, and alongside her appallingly theocratic claims that human life at all stages of development is of equal value, she quotes the . . . . Continue Reading »

Identical Twins are Shady Characters

In a twin conspiracy , a pair of identical twins would pretend to be only one person. For example, in college each twin could specialize in, and then ace, half of the classes; their GPA would soar.  They might together make partner in a law firm by handling a lot more work than other . . . . Continue Reading »

What Books Have Most Influenced You?

Earlier this week economist Tyler Cowen started a meme by asking bloggers to list the top ten books that have influenced their view of the world. (See the lists by Peter Suderman, E.D.Kain, Arnold Kling, Michael Martin, Niklas Blanchard, Bryan Caplan, Will Wilkinson, and Freddie deBoer.) Because it . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput on the captivity of “Catholic” witness : [T]he captivity of some Catholics to the agenda of current congressional leaders and the White House proves that faith partisans are not a monopoly of the political right, and that some Catholics have an almost . . . . Continue Reading »

Resisting Hopey Changey

Porcher-in-chief, Dr. Pat Deneen has a rather interesting post related to the soon-to-be “passed” Obamacare legislation, designed to empower the central government, and the corresponding rise of the constitutional concept of “states’ rights” beloved by anti-federalists of . . . . Continue Reading »

Healthcare Legislation Explained in 90 Seconds

Confused about all of these newfangled legislative process terms like reconciliation and deem-and-pass? Here’s a video that explains it in less that two minutes. The presentation isn’t exactly unbiased (what is when it comes to health care?) but it’s certainly informative. (Via: . . . . Continue Reading »

John McCormack on Pro-Life Democrats

The latest issue of First Things has a helpful profile on pro-life Democrats  that focuses specifically on Bob Casey, the junior senator from Pennsylvania who replaced Rick Santorum. If you are like me you might have been confused about how exactly the current health care legislation funds . . . . Continue Reading »



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