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When People Ask You

Today on “On the Square,” I Was Ignorant, and You Taught Me , a list of some lessons I’ve learned from years of responding to letters from strangers who wrote with religious questions. For example, Never rebuke or confront even the most obnoxious inquirer, unless you know him well . . . . Continue Reading »

To Treat One Another as Humans

The Manhattan Declaration hit the news again this week, thanks to an iPhone/iPad application supporting it which for a short while was in Apple’s app store. Apple pulled it out in response to an uproar raised by homosexual rights activists. A Manhattan Declaration blogger responded to the . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Uninsuring the Children

Well, this is ironic—a polite word.  The SEIU serve as the shock troops for the Obama Administration and other of similar political persuasion. It was sure involved in stuffing Obamacare down the collective throat.  But now, New York’s SEIU will no longer insure the children of . . . . Continue Reading »

Constitutionalism—Part 1: The Progressives

1. The conference at BYU on OUR CONSTITUTION IN CRISIS provoked all sorts of thought, even in ME. Let me begin by thinking a bit about the Progressive view of the Constitution. 2. One view, as we’ve said, is that our original Constitution has been largely displaced by the PROGRESSIVE one. The . . . . Continue Reading »

Advent I

This has to be one of my favourite Advent hymns, a versification of Isaiah 40:1-5 set to the Genevan tune for Psalm 42. Here is a wonderful choral version arranged by David Ashley . . . . Continue Reading »



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