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Is the Health Care Law Unconstitutional?

Randy Barnett at the Volokh Conspiracy makes presents a solid case that the recently passed health care legislation should be deemed unconstitutional (though the Supreme Court likely won’t overturn it): The individual mandate goes far beyond these previous acts. Congress has never before . . . . Continue Reading »

The Tournament of Novels – Round 4

Blowouts and nail-biters—in Round 3 there was no in between. Blowouts: The Brothers Karamazov sailed past Moby-Dick , The Lord of the Rings not-so-humbly beat Pride and Prejudice , and Pilgrim’s Progress swept away Charlotte’s Web —each by a margin of 2 to 1. One Hundred Years . . . . Continue Reading »

It’s All About Choice

The Daily News reports this morning : “A Queens man—enraged because his wife refused to have an abortion—slashed her throat and then stabbed her sister in the stomach Monday night in front of a room full of children.” Ain’t you glad that legalized abortion set women free . . . . Continue Reading »

Heaven Help Us

Undoubtedly you have read something about the FBI raids in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana.From that linked story, there’s this self-description of these people the FBI is taking into custody:Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves using the sword and stay alive using equipment. The only . . . . Continue Reading »

Let the Sun Shine In

My review of Ian McEwan’s latest novel , Solar , is available online at the Wall Street Journal , for those who’ve followed the interesting British writer’s career: You ever see those old film clips of the early days of airplane flight? Wild contraptions of mismatched parts, . . . . Continue Reading »



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