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Tweets of Lamentation

After he dropped a potentially game-winning touchdown pass, Buffalo Bills’ wide receiver Stevie Johnsons borrowed a page from King David’s playbook : The next day he clarified: “And No I Did Not Blame God People! Seriously??!? CMon! I Simply Cried Out And Asked Why? Jus Like yal . . . . Continue Reading »

The Rolling Stones Ran 44, They Run 55

In today’s “On the Square” column, Rationing Bono and Other Gaia-Saving Ideas , Elizabeth Scalia describes the latest climate change gala and its plans for rearranging everyone else’s lives, and then look at one activist and his effect on the environment. Let them start with . . . . Continue Reading »

Studying One Thing to Learn Another

Rufus F., a graduate student completing a dissertation in Early Modern European and Mediterranean History, examines the oft-repeated claim that “Studying history will give the student useful critical thinking skills that they can use later in life.” I think we often forget how odd it is . . . . Continue Reading »

The Grave of a British Soldier

November is a strange time to reflect on the American Revolution, something more suited for July, but that is what I found myself doing touring Lexington and Concord with family over Thanksgiving while enduring a cold, uncomfortable wind. We visited many graves: Hawthorne, Alcott, Thoreau, among . . . . Continue Reading »

Desire Defines Reality

Recently I’ve been musing metaphysically, and today’s article by Stephen J. Heaney on Public Discourse (” Just the Facts, M’am “) struck a chord. Heaney picks up a story about a female college basketball player who has announced that she wants to be thought of as a . . . . Continue Reading »

Mere Religiosity

In reflecting on Putnam and Campbell’s American Grace , Rod Dreher wonders if—indeed, worries that—our (relatively) newfound tolerance of religious diversity doesn’t come at too high a price: The good news is that we Americans of different faith traditions get along remarkably . . . . Continue Reading »



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