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Singing the psalms: bluegrass

I have sometimes thought, only partly tongue-in-cheek, that I should try to recover my former competence on the banjo after some four decades away and arrange at least a few of the Genevan Psalm tunes for bluegrass. It seems someone got there ahead of me. No, it isn’t a Genevan tune, but it . . . . Continue Reading »

Really Left Leftists

One of theDems’ biggest contributor warns that the Obama administration are “really left leftists.” The Jerusalem Post reports that one of the Democratic party’s largest contributors is “dismayed” at the Obama administration’s policies towards Israel: . . . . Continue Reading »

Immigration and Identity Politics

I have an op-ed in the Washington Times that attempts to understand the explosive racial and ethnic dimension of the current debate over the new Arizona immigration law. You should read it if for no other reason than it must be the only op-ed ever that mentions both Keith Olbermann and Chesterton. . . . . Continue Reading »

A History of Frogs

A.O. Scott reviews the new Robin Hood movie for New York Times . Not a bad review, really, but then there was this, in passing: The anti-French animus of “Robin Hood” is amusingly over the top—the French monarch is first glimpsed slurping oysters—but also perhaps a little . . . . Continue Reading »

From Buckley to Bakunin

“I just got back from” the Department of Motor Vehicles, writes Daniel Foster on the National Review website, “and hereby renounce my conservatism, in favor of revolutionary anarchism.” Been there, done that. Sometimes, the urge to burn it all down is awfully hard to resist. . . . . Continue Reading »

Austrian Bishop Makes Usual Remarks

A soon (we hope) to retire Austrian bishop says all the usual things, according to Austrian Bishop Questions Celibacy (the link is to a shorter version of the story than the one I received). Let priests marry, ordain women (maybe), let divorced and remarried couples receive communion, and be nice . . . . Continue Reading »



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