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A “Both-And” Way of Dying

Writing in the English Catholic weekly The Tablet , Catholic bioethicist David Albert Jones discusses the  U.K.’s General Medical Council’s new guidelines for treating dying patients.  He notes that: A Catholic understanding of good end-of-life care is “both-and”: . . . . Continue Reading »

Creating Life?

Unto His Own Image God becomes man: Venter creates synthetic life , reads one headline. One among many, many such boomings of the news about scientist Craig Venter’s synthesis of a new bacterium. A correspondent of Megan McArdle’s observes: I am getting bombarded with the Venter . . . . Continue Reading »

The Marxist Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama says , “Still I am a Marxist,” on his arrival in New York. It’s true that “Millions of people’s living standards improved” in China because of capitalism, but Marxism has “moral ethics, whereas capitalism is only how to make profits.” . . . . Continue Reading »

The Bishop, the Sister, and a Hard Decision

In Excommunicating Intentions , today’s second On the Square article, Michael Liccione examines the controversy over the Bishop of Phoenix’s declaration that a nun who had approved an abortion had excommunicated herself. It is not, he suggests, so simple a matter of controversialists on . . . . Continue Reading »



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