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The Decline of Black Congregations in Harlem

An interesting article in the New York Times on the decline of black congregations in Harlem: All Souls’ Church, on St. Nicholas Avenue, and any number of the traditional neighborhood churches in Harlem that had for generations boasted strong memberships — built on and sustained by . . . . Continue Reading »

Atheism’s Undermining Stories

In  Atheism’s Just So Scenarios , today’s “On the Square” article, Father Edward Oakes, S.J., describes the “puffed-up braggarts” who in trying to undermine religion undermine science as well., by trying to offer a third scenario to the only two possible . . . . Continue Reading »

George Washington Was Worth Plenty of Benjamins

The Atlantic estimates the net worth of the U.S. presidents : Having examined the finances of all 43 presidents (yes, 43; remember, Cleveland was president twice), we calculated the net worth figures for each in 2010 dollars. Because a number of presidents, particularly in the early 19th Century, . . . . Continue Reading »

Singing the Psalms: Victoria Psalter

Today Canadians celebrate Victoria Day, the first of the summer long weekend holidays. What better way to spend the day than to page through a copy of Owen Jones’ The Psalms of David, “with permission dedicated to Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria,” also known as the . . . . Continue Reading »

Mark Twain’s One Hundred Year Plan

Before his death in 1910, Mark Twain left instructions not to publish his autobiography until 100 years after his death. Fortunately for us, that’s now : Exactly a century after rumours of his death turned out to be entirely accurate, one of Mark Twain’s dying wishes is at last coming . . . . Continue Reading »

The New Dualisms

Gene Fant dug up this little gem from Timothy Morton in the latest Proceedings of the Modern Language Association : It’s not just that rabbits are rabbits in name only; it’s that whether or not we have words for them, rabbits are deconstructive all the way down—signifying and display . . . . Continue Reading »

Conversion Matters

James K.A. Smith’s review of Francis Beckwith’s Return to Rome (the best parts of which are the opening paragraphs), might on the surface appear to be a critique of Protestants who convert/revert to Catholicism.  It struck me, however, as an endorsement of just such a move. . . . . Continue Reading »

Pentecost and Psalm 104

A quarter of a century ago I wrote a hymn text titled simply A Hymn for Pentecost, whose text follows:O Spirit of God, descend as a dove,alight on our hearts, fill them with your love.As once the apostles were touched by your flame,so rest upon us that new life we may claim.O Fount of our faith, . . . . Continue Reading »



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