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Propaganda warfare and global gullibility

Even before 9/11 there was little doubt that winning the propaganda war can turn the tide in a real war. This should be kept in mind as we assess the recent Israeli attack on the Gaza aid flotilla. An excellent place to start is by reading George Friedman’s Flotillas and the Wars of Public . . . . Continue Reading »

Reductio Ad Absurdum Strikes Again

Peter Singer, the rather notorious Princeton ethicist, published a provocative essay in the New York Times blog “Opinionator” proposing that we should consider making this generation the last of the human species.  He pondered what would be wrong with universal . . . . Continue Reading »

Why the News Makes Us Dumb

“What if political scientists covered the news?” asks Christopher Beam in a new article in Slate : A powerful thunderstorm forced President Obama to cancel his Memorial Day speech near Chicago on Monday—an arbitrary event that had no affect on the trajectory of American politics. Obama now . . . . Continue Reading »

A Gay Catholic Voice Against Same-Sex Marriage

Last Friday the New York Times ran a profile of blogger Eve Tushnet, a “celibate, gay, conservative, Catholic writer”: While gay sex should not be criminalized, she said, gay men and lesbians should abstain. They might instead have passionate friendships, or sublimate their urges into . . . . Continue Reading »

The Great Theologians

The virtue of Gerald McDermott’s The Great Theologians is that it condenses the central contributions of eleven of history’s most influential Christian thinkers into a readable and accesible format.And McDermott makes this seem easy.The Great Theologians introduces a rather . . . . Continue Reading »



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