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Blood for Blood

Appearing tomorrow “On the Square”: Joseph Bottum reflects on the expected execution of Ronnie Lee Gardner this coming Friday as “a strong example of why we don’t need to use the death penalty—and why, as a consequence, we need not to use the death penalty.” . . . . Continue Reading »

When Seals Sue

One of the primary agenda items in animal rights advocacy is obtaining for animals the right to sue in their own names.  Known as “animal standing,”  allowing animals to sue would empower activists to bring animal industries to their knees, as I describe more . . . . Continue Reading »

Turning from faith

Last year I wrote of the sad case of Philip Wentworth, who lost his Christian faith at Harvard in the early years of the last century. While I suggested that his reasons for rejecting Christianity were pretty superficial, others walk away from faith for more weighty reasons. Among these are:1. . . . . Continue Reading »

Radical Animal Rights: A Sea Lion Sues

One of the biggest—yet little known—agenda items of the animal rights movement is what is known as animal standing, that is, granting animals the right to bring lawsuits (discussed in detail in my book and in this article on NRO).  (Of course, the real litigants would be animal . . . . Continue Reading »

Sons and Slaves

It’s rare that I post on something I encounter that I have almost nothing to say about, but I was just catching up on Mark Heath’s blog, and this post struck me as brilliant. Mark notices all the slave language and son language in the New Testament for believers and wonders . . . . Continue Reading »

Eugenics v Autism

In April, 2009, a draft report from NVAC raised the question of whether the apparent cause of autism coming from vaccinations was not due to the presence of mercury but instead might be due to the presence of, and an interaction with, the aborted fetus (human) DNA in the vaccine. Teresa Deisher . . . . Continue Reading »

Thirty Three Things (v. 1)

(Note: For several years on Evangelical Outpost , I compiled a weekly roundup of thirty-three links, quotes, and other intriguing tidbits I found around the web. When I turned that site over to the folks at Biola University’s Torrey Honors Institute, they kept the tradition going . I’ve . . . . Continue Reading »



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