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Brazil: A New Front in the Culture Wars?

It turns out that culturally conservative Protestants in Brazil (mostly Pentecostals, I suspect, though the author of this article calls them evangelicals) have forced the newly elected president, Catholic (and former Marxist guerilla) Dilma Rousseff, to move sharply rightward in her positions on . . . . Continue Reading »

Happiness is a Buddy in the Pews

Want to be happy? Make some friends at church : Attending religious services regularly and having close friends in the congregation are key to having a happier, more satisfying life, a study finds. Even attending services irregularly — just several times a year — increases a sense of . . . . Continue Reading »

And Then There Was Nothing

Today’s first ” On The Square ” item is Joe Carter’s column; today it’s a whimsical creation story narrative. But it’s not your run-of-the-mill creation story; rather, it addresses a certain inequality of myth Carter finds between the children of Judeo-Christian . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Immaculate?

If readers will pardon a reminder on this feast of the Immaculate Conception: in my column on Monday I tried to explain what the Church says about this and why she asserts something that to many of our Protestant brethren seems entirely invented. See Delivered From All Stain . . . . . Continue Reading »

To Treat One Another As Humans, Part 2b

My plans to complete this series have been delayed by a medical emergency in our extended family, which has necessitated an unexpected trip out of state and a lot of time in prayer and family decision-making. It was always going to be a difficult topic to write on. These events in a way bring the . . . . Continue Reading »



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