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Emotional Immodesty on Facebook

Everybody loves to complain about Facebook. A constantly changing layout and interface. An addictive waste of time. And, most recently, Facebook has provoked an outcry from users over the complicated and ever-changing privacy settings. Facebook founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg responded . . . . Continue Reading »

Fake Soccer Fans

OK, there’s just something about the World Cup that keeps me coming back, even though I’m not a fan.  Check out this teaser story about (alleged!) North Korean soccer fans. Have they been specially recruited?  Is North Korea orchestrating a Potemkin village of . . . . Continue Reading »

Fatherhood 2010

In the official White House proclamation for Father’s Day, President Obama throws in what looks like a surprisingly casual cheer for same-sex unions, as “two father” families: “nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by a father and mother, a single . . . . Continue Reading »

Sweet בית Alabama

Does your Jewish family want to earn $50,000? Pack up the U-Haul and learn to say “y’all” : Of the 140 houses of worship in Dothan, Alabama—a city of 68,000 residents and the self-proclaimed “Peanut Capital of the World”—just one is a synagogue. Members of that . . . . Continue Reading »

Riding Away

In Riding Away , today’s “On the Square” article, Joseph Bottum . . . no, just read it. Any teaser I could give you would give away too much. But it does begin this way: She was wiry and whip-thin, like most of the kids who come off the ranches, and like nearly all of them, she . . . . Continue Reading »

Parenthood Wins Hands Down

“Many conclude that if you value your happiness and spending money, the only way to win the modern parenting game is not to play. Low fertility looks like a sign that we’ve finally grasped the winning strategy,” writes Bryan Caplan in  The Breeder’s Cup , published in . . . . Continue Reading »



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