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They Should Have Known

Speaking in German, a Dutch cardinal told a tv audience “Wir haben es nicht gewusst” (we knew nothing) about the sexual abuse of children and young people by Dutch clergy, now (finally) coming to light. The allusion to the post-war German claim — the excuse — was obvious, and . . . . Continue Reading »

The Beauty of Polemics

While our culture tends to eschew religious polemics, great disagreements have produced not only some of the most awe-inspiring moments in human history, but also some of the most beautiful lines of prose. So argues Carl Truman in the latest issue of Themelios : [P]olemic has produced some . . . . Continue Reading »

Who Put the “X” in Xmas?

Theologian R.C. Sproul explains why there’s nothing nefarious about the X in Xmas : The simple answer to your question is that the X in Christmas is used like the R in R.C. My given name at birth was Robert Charles, although before I was even taken home from the hospital my parents called me . . . . Continue Reading »

Still More on Orsi

Those interested in a forceful and substantive response to Robert Orsi’s denunciations of the depravities of the Catholics Church—insufficient solicitude for “reproductive choice,” for example—should click over to read what Notre Dame professor Daniel Philpot has to say . . . . Continue Reading »

A Pope Who Holds Fast

This morning On the Square , R.R. Reno takes a closer look at Light of the World: The Pope, the Church, and the Signs of the Times , Peter Sewald’s book-length interview with Pope Benedict XVI. Rather than focusing on the pope’s already much discussed comments on condoms, Reno examines . . . . Continue Reading »

A Theology of Cuteness

Richard Mouw on a theology of cuteness : In his famous essay “A Plea for Excuses,” the Oxford philosopher J. L. Austin complained that philosophers of art typically spent too much time focusing on beauty, when most people’s aesthetic interests are less grand. Austin expressed the . . . . Continue Reading »

Elizabeth Edwards and Hospice

I was honored to have been interviewed by Eleanor Clift about the Schiavo case and hospice for her book, Two Weeks of Life.  We met at my hotel in Washington DC and spent more than an hour discussing hospice and its many benefits to dying patients and their families.  I talked about my . . . . Continue Reading »



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