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Today’s Life Lesson

Today’s First Things Life Lesson: Do not, assuming that the tasty-looking bar sticking out of its wrapper, sitting on a table you’re walking past, is a granola bar opened by one of your children who did not finish it, take a big bite of a gerbil treat. . . . . Continue Reading »

The Court Rules

The Supreme Court delivered its ruling in the Christian Legal Society case today. At first reading, it looks pretty bad—and so our friend Rick Garnett writes : The Court handed down its opinion in the Christian Legal Society case this morning. By a 5-4 vote, the Court upheld a rule requiring . . . . Continue Reading »

Two Freedoms, One Not So Useful

In The Realm of Religious Freedom , today’s “On the Square” article, editor Joseph Bottum examines the very worrisome implications of “the administration’s favored formula for speaking about religious liberty.” He notes that the president speaks of the relatively . . . . Continue Reading »

Witch Hunt

Am I the only person astonished by the latest round in the now long simmering sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church in Europe? Belgian police have taken to raiding offices and—I’m not making this up—opening the tombs of former archbishops . Digging up dead clerics? . . . . Continue Reading »

Fetal Pain

Pro-choice activists are making a big deal about a new study claiming to show that human beings feel no pain until about 24 weeks into their fetal life. Lots of studies have appeared contradicting each other on this, so this is hardly news. There’s been lots of debate on this for several . . . . Continue Reading »



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