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Rich v. Blankenhorn

Suggesting that the New York Times’ columnist Frank Rich has failed to “respect ordinary standards of decency, reasonableness, and fair play” in writing about David Blankenhorn, he and two of  his colleagues at the Institute for American Values  have written the Times . . . . Continue Reading »

Real Sex Education

In A Sexual Education , today’s “On the Square” article, Joe Carter argues that the comprehensive sex education/just use a condom/safe sex and the abstinence education/just say no ideas “are equally flawed and flawed in the same way. Each indoctrinates the children in a . . . . Continue Reading »

Age of Accountability

I think I’ve hit on one of the things that’s been lurking in the background in my resistance to the idea of an age of accountability. Now this post will largely be assuming some things many here will not grant, e.g. exclusivism about who gets saved, Christian particularism about how they . . . . Continue Reading »

From Adoption to the French Work Week

Some articles to commend: Russell Moore explains the connection between our adoption in Christ and our adopting children in this world, in Abba Changes Everything , published in Christianity Today . Adoption is, on one hand, gospel. Our identity and inheritance are grounded in our adoption in . . . . Continue Reading »

Carter Says No to “Just Say No”

Sort of. Coming tomorrow in “On the Square”: Joe Carter reflects on the right way to teach teenagers about sex and sexual intimacy. He’s not much fonder of the “Just say no” approach as the “Just use a condom” one, and thinks they both fail in the same way. . . . . Continue Reading »

Scholarship on a Budget

This weekend we went camping out toward eastern Ohio, in a little state park just south of Zanesville. A nice quiet place, it allowed us a chance to get away and relax, and also to engage in one of our favorite hobbies – thrift and antique shops. So on Saturday we drove up into Zanesville and . . . . Continue Reading »

To Catch a Cheat

The New York Times reported yesterday on the rampant cheating among college students and the Big Brother policies that some schools have instituted to combat it: No gum is allowed during an exam: chewing could disguise a student’s speaking into a hands-free cellphone to an accomplice outside. . . . . Continue Reading »

A Matter of Conscience

A headline on alerts us to the latest in an ongoing series of similarly troubling stories: “Stalemate after Nebraska Health Board Rejects Conscience Compromise for Christian Psychologists.” According to the report: Defying the recommendations of Nebraska’s top public . . . . Continue Reading »



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