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Never Change — Until We Change

As Meghan noted earlier this week, it seems that the YMCA will be dropping the MCA from their name. Men? That became politically incorrect ages ago. Christian? Hardly a factor in their programming for decades. Association? No problem there, but YA doesn’t make any sense. I’m fine with . . . . Continue Reading »

Watch the Missouri Synod

Christopher Barnekov, who runs Scandinavia House in Fort Wayne, sends this report on Tuesday’s election of a new president of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, which he called “a triumph of the Lutheran wing of the Lutheran Church.” The LCMS is the largest and best known of . . . . Continue Reading »

Did Eric Holder Free Roman Polanski?

An Associated Press report this morning cites documents in the Roman Polanski extradition case that put the blame for the scapegrace director’s free pass on the U.S. Department of Justice. According to AP, The Swiss government asked the U.S. Justice Department to release sealed transcripts in . . . . Continue Reading »

New Norms From Rome

The Vatican has put forward new norms for handling clerical sexual abuse. The spin in the AP story in the New York Times offers occasion for reflection. Thought #1: The story says, “The bulk of the new document merely codified the ad hoc norms for dealing canonically with pedophile . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 7.15.10

Cuba to release 52 political prisoners, Catholic Church says The Cuban government will free 52 political prisoners, Catholic officials in Havana said Wednesday, the largest release of captive dissidents in decades and a surprise gesture that could help thaw relations with the United States. . . . . Continue Reading »

Waking With a Yelp

“He drifted on the water, the man dozing on the inner tube, and didn’t wake till he nudged the wall of scree and shattered rocks at the far end of the reservoir,” begins Drifting Toward the Rocks . Not that there is much of a current in that little lake, formed by piling earth and . . . . Continue Reading »

Victory for religious freedom in Québec

It is difficult to recall that, prior to half a century ago, Québec’s French-speaking population was almost entirely Roman Catholic, with high rates of church attendance and a high birth rate. Its intellectual élite, typified by Fr. Lionel Groulx, saw Québec as having a mission . . . . Continue Reading »

Dancing a Short Story

In the latest issue of First Things ( now online ), Sara Hamdan explores how economic conditions are affecting the art form of dance . Overall, the article is a fine piece of reporting. But I have to take exception to one claim: [P]opular forms of dance performance have become more about . . . . Continue Reading »



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