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Second Links — 6.19.2010

An Islamic publication in England has “called Muslims to attend the Mass to convert Catholics and ‘tell the Pope in no uncertain terms what Muslims think of his evil slanders against the last Prophet of God and his message’,” reports Matthew Archbold in Is the Pope in . . . . Continue Reading »

Singing the psalms: Ali Ufki

The Genevan Psalms in Turkish? Incredible but true. Here’s the story:The versifier was one Wojciech Bobowski, who was born in Lvov 400 years ago this year and died in 1675. Musically-gifted, Bobowski was a Polish Reformed Christian who was kidnapped at age 18 by Tatars and sold as a slave to . . . . Continue Reading »

The Conspiracy of Silence on Islamic Riots

Am I the only one who reads stories from Europe and scratch my head over the conspiracy of silence? Consider this little news item about riots in the French city of Genoble . It seems the BBC, Reuters, and others can’t bring themselves to mention that the fleeing suspect shot by the police was . . . . Continue Reading »

Hammering on Rome

Wow. The New York Times can’t stop itself. In an editorial on Saturday , the Grey Lady deemed last weeks changes to the motu proprio concerning crimes against the holy sacraments worse than inadequate. “Among all the defensive posturing and inept statements,” write the editors, there . . . . Continue Reading »

The Happy Prince Comes to New York City

This September, when strollers along New York’s Fifth Avenue reach the southeast corner of Central Park, at 60th Street, they will come across a ruined monument. The glass-reinforced concrete sculpture, brand-new and all of a piece despite its jumbled and scattered appearance, is called The . . . . Continue Reading »

Inception’s misconception!

My wife and I went to see Inception Saturday afternoon. I don’t have much ‘good’ to say about the film other than I liked it. It was way to long, and the film itself seemed intent on providing images of  some college sophomore’s perspective of T.S Eliot’s ” . . . . Continue Reading »



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