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Secularism in Syria

Just a week after the lower house of French parliament passed a measure banning burqas amid charges of discrimination and xenophobia, Syria’s Ministry of Education has rather quietly banned the niqab —a veil that leaves only the eyes uncovered—from public and private universities. . . . . Continue Reading »

eBook recommendation: the Infidel Delusion

There have been a slough of books recommended here at Evangel in the last month of so — and to buy them all you’d need a small fortune. But what if there was a book recommended here which was worth a small fortune, but you could in fact download it and keep it for free?My friends at the . . . . Continue Reading »

Second Links — 7.20.10

In Homecoming , a journalist explains “What soldiers are searching for when they return from the frontlines.” (Interested readers will want to read our In the Name of the Sons .) In Whistling past the graveyard , a law professor reviews Stephen D. Smith’s new book The . . . . Continue Reading »

“Our Survival Depends on This”

According to a story on , the website of the Union of Catholic Asian News, Christian leaders in Pakistan are urging their followers not to engage in discussions of Islamic doctrine with their Muslim neighbors. This warning came after the arrest of two Pakistani Christian brothers on . . . . Continue Reading »

Hitchens Touched by the Thought

One last item on the subject of praying for Christopher Hitchens, which I discussed here and a few days later here . The idea enraged some of our atheist readers and baffled even a few Christians. I bring it up again to pass on something sent me by our frequent contributor Father Edward Oakes. . . . . Continue Reading »

Islam in the German Universities

Paul Hockenos has a fine article in The Chronicle of Higher Education detailing plans by the German government to establish institutes for the study of Islamic theology. In Germany, the universites have faculties of Protestant and Catholic theology responsible not only for academic study but also . . . . Continue Reading »



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