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Free Religion & Christian Pacifism

Today “On the Square” offers a double feature: Lee J. Strang’s explanation of what the First Amendment really said about freedom of religion,  Church, State, and Original Intent , and George Weigel’s analysis of the famous Lutheran historian’s misunderstanding of . . . . Continue Reading »

Divorce Breeds Divorce

OK, surely this is a man bites dog story. A new study shows that if a close friend gets divorced, then you’re more likely to get divorced . Gee, who would have imagined that we’re influence by other people’s behavior. We’re, er, social animals? Long ago Aristotle recognized that . . . . Continue Reading »

Boorish Behavior

Politics evoke passions, and cultural politics passionate passions. That shouldn’t surprise us. After all, unlike tax policy, questions about abortion, marriage, raising children, the role of religion in public life, and so forth touch on our deepest beliefs. Which makes this story of boorish . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 7.21.10

Expert: UN study backs Church strategy on Aids A new UN Aids study has lent credibility to faith leaders who have long argued that behavioural change is key to combating the spread of the illness, a Catholic expert on the disease has said. Lesbian gets $35K settlement over canceled prom A rural . . . . Continue Reading »

Joustra on fast or slow justice

My esteemed Redeemer University colleague, Robert Joustra, offers insight after his recent attendance at an event sponsored by the Center for Public Justice in Washington, DC. His thoughts are worth sharing here:I spent last week with the good people at Civitas, talking about graceful politics. . . . . Continue Reading »

Basil the Great: A Theology of Reading

When I taught humanities at a Christian secondary school, I spent the first week or so of the fall semester exploring how Christians should read because I anticipated that the pagan literature of the Greeks and Romans would chafe against my students’ delicate sensibilities and trigger . . . . Continue Reading »



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