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Haldane the Chairman

Our friend and author John Haldane has been elected the chairman of the Royal Institute of Philosophy . As the Witherspoon Institute reports: The Royal Institute was founded in 1925 by leading public philosophers of the day: Samuel Alexander, Alfred Balfour, L. T. Hobhouse, Harold Laski, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Theological Correctness?

A federal judge in Kentucky has denied the University of Kentucky’s motion for summary judgment, paving the way for a jury trial on the merits of astronomer C. Martin Gaskell’s claim that the University engaged in religious discrimination when it did not offer him the postion of . . . . Continue Reading »

Gifts for ROFTERS #1

Last year you gave your favorite ROFTER a gift subscription to First Things . But what can you give them this year? How about a book by a contributor to  First Things . Over the next few days I’ll be highlighting works by our editors, bloggers, frequent writers, and editorial board . . . . Continue Reading »

Searching and Finding

In The Advent Search , today’s “On the Square” article, I try to address the kind of “search” for God that never seems to get anywhere, and doesn’t seem intended to get anywhere, and reflect on the meaning of Advent for those who truly seek the truth. . . . . Continue Reading »



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