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The Gulf of Healing

During his presidential claim Barack Obama asserted that future generations would say that “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal . . . ” At the time I thought the claim was hubristic. But he was right! The oil slick in the Gulf . . . . Continue Reading »

Not So All Right

Tomorrow in “On the Square,” Elizabeth Marquardt of the Institute of American Values reviews the cheerful new movie about children conceived from donor sperm, The Kids Are All Right . The reality, she suggests from her own studies, which produced the ground-breaking study My . . . . Continue Reading »

Photos of Australia—2010

As old hand SHSers know, I love to take photographs.  And when I go to terrific places—and Australia is really terrific—I take a time out from our usual fare to post a few of my shots.  Here goes.The Apple Store in downtown Sydney at about 8 PM.  We walked past the store . . . . Continue Reading »

Freedom of Religion? No, Freedom of Sexuality.

Detroit — A federal judge today dismissed a lawsuit brought against Eastern Michigan University by a master’s student who said she was removed from the school’s counseling program because of her strong religious views against homosexuality. As part of her course work, [Julea] Ward . . . . Continue Reading »

Students of Faith Survey

In the Fall of 2010, for the first time ever,  First Things will release its own college rankings and guide. As many of you will know from experience, picking the right college is a difficult and trying process, especially for parents and students concerned not only with academic quality . . . . Continue Reading »

CBC’s Eggsploitatin Released

The CBC is about to release a new documentary—Eggsploitation—about the IVF and biotechnology industries’ exploitation of women for their eggs, and the dangers donors face.  From the film’s new Web site:The infertility industry in the United States has grown to a . . . . Continue Reading »

Jailbreaking and Spiritual Obesity

The tech world has been buzzing with yesterday’s ruling about the legality of “jailbreaking” one’s iPhone  (removing certain barriers to non-Apple approved applications for iPhones).  This means that phone owners have the right to alter their phones to download . . . . Continue Reading »



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