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New Chesterton Review Out

As a member of the Chesterton Review ‘s board, I should mention to you the publication of the latest issue, the Spring-Summer 2010 double issue . It includes Allan Carlson on a family-based economy, and articles on the philospher Slavoj Zizek’s view of Chesterton and paradox, Hilaire . . . . Continue Reading »

Elshtain’s Alleged Venal Sins

Writing in the University of Chicago’s magazine, the political scientist Jean Bethke Elshtain explained her defense of the Iraq war against two critical letters (scroll down the page about three-quarters of the way). One of them is particularly ad hominem , of the “find it sad that a . . . . Continue Reading »

Second Links — 7.28.10

We’re offering a Second Links today without a First Links, but the numbering refers to the time of day the items appear, not the order. After running a stop sign, an teenager led police in a one-mile chase, in a horse and buggy . The Amish seventeen-year-old rolled the buggy while turning . . . . Continue Reading »

The Godfather and the Holy Mother

According to a report in Britain’s Telegraph , Bishop Giuseppe Fiorini Morosini of the Calabrian Diocese of Locri-Gerace has written an open letter to the bosses of the ’Ndrangheta—the Calabrian Mafia—“imploring them to stop using holy shrines for their initiation . . . . Continue Reading »

Jesus Says, Supersize Me

The International Journal of Obesity doesn’t sound like exciting nightime reading. But ever vigilant, the people over at ARTnews saw an interesting article. Analysis recently published in a study by Brain and Craig Wasnik shows the the problems of portion control aren’t new. They . . . . Continue Reading »

Students of Faith Survey

In the Fall of 2010, for the first time ever, First Things will release its own college rankings and guide. As many of you will know from experience, picking the right college is a difficult and trying process, especially for parents and students concerned not only with academic quality . . . . Continue Reading »

“Lutherans” to Anabaptists: Sorry

So, after 450-plus years, some Lutherans*, presumably trapped in an airport somewhere, bumped from their flights to see the La Brea Tar Pits, or unable to compete in their respective bowling leagues due to wrist-lock, have decided to kill time by issuing a formal apology to the descendants of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Of a Great Man & a Bad Movie

Today in “On the Square,” George Weigel pays tribute to “one of the greatest of American Jesuits and the living embodiment of Catholic liberal learning at Georgetown.” He means Father James Schall, and this is very high praise. (Earned, I will add on the testimony of many . . . . Continue Reading »

Cutting Religion Down to Liberal Size

Stanley Fish considers whether religion should be given special status in a liberal society : There’s the dilemma, and it is shared both by the liberal state and by religious organizations. Religious organizations face a choice between altering their core beliefs or forfeiting privileges . . . . Continue Reading »



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