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Can There Be a Global Bioethics?

I was sent an old article from 2001 that focused on personhood theory and the attempt to redefine death, which criticized bioethics for being unduly Western in its outlook,.  (It seems to me that a great deal of energy in bioethics, these days, is dedicated to finding justifications for using . . . . Continue Reading »

Secularism’s Debt to Christianity

I stumbled across John D. Steinrucken’s interesting essay “Secularism’s Debt to Christianity” in today’s American Thinker.  Steinrucken’s opening paragraph includes this provocative line:Western civilization’s survival, including the survival of . . . . Continue Reading »

Second Links — 7.30.10

A Bosnian man, whose house has been hit six times by meterorites , explains that “I am obviously being targeted by extraterrestrials. I don’t know what I have done to annoy them.” The Washington Post offers a symposium on Should religions intermarry? A Catholic pyschotherapist . . . . Continue Reading »

Illiberal Liberal Anti-Catholicism

Although he “grew up as a socialist republican in Belfast,” and believes “there is also much about the Catholic Church’s teachings to rage against,”  Kevin Rooney argues in  The Backwardness of Catholic-Bashing that the current animosity to all things . . . . Continue Reading »

Point Me in the Direction of Albuquerque

Wednesday, August 25th, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Be there—because, well, because I’ll be there, and Michael Novak will be there, and Chuck Colson, and Os Guinness. Two Catholic speakers and two Protestants—a practical application of the idea of Evangelicals and Catholics . . . . Continue Reading »

Older People, Slower Economy

In today’s “On the Square” article, senior editor David Goldman shows how bad demographics lead to bad economies. In Fed Proposals to Counter “Deflation” Are Misguided , he writes that “Demographics drive deflation, and our demographics are not good.” For . . . . Continue Reading »



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