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She’s Having a Fetus

Overheard at a local shopping mall: Jan: “Marsha! How are you girl? I haven’t seen you in ages.” Marsha: “Hey Jan, you’re looking great. How’ve you been?” Jan: “Just peachy. Hey, guess what? I’m going to have a fetus! ” Marsha (excited): . . . . Continue Reading »

What is the Future of Evangelicalism?

This week our friends at Patheos are hosting a symposium on the future of evangelicalism . There are a number of noteworthy contributors—Mark Noll, Marvin Olasky , Andy Crouch, William Lane Craig, Rodney Stark—and a few of lesser interest (namely, me). Along with my submission (” . . . . Continue Reading »

Second Links — 8.2.10

Timothy George, Evangelical leader and member of the First Things board, shares  his favorite five biographies of theologians . Joseph Kanon, spy novelist, explains how he chooses his subjects . The Anchoress gives a Rosary meditation for job-seekers . David Klinghoffer discusses the move from . . . . Continue Reading »

What is the Future of Evangelicalism?

This week our friends at Patheos are hosting a symposium on the future of evangelicalism. There are a number of noteworthy contributors—Mark Noll, Marvin Olasky , Andy Crouch, William Lane Craig, Rodney Stark—and a few of lesser interest (namely, me). Along with my submission . . . . Continue Reading »

When the Remake is Better

Yes, another frivolous post.  I’ll get to something serious next week.When I was a kid in the 60s we thought only the original was worth listening to. Who, we thought, could ever be better than the Beatles? Over time my opinions changed. There are some remakes that are better than the . . . . Continue Reading »

Why We Need Failure

In 2008, we rescued the banks. It 2009, we pledged $900 billion to rescue the rest of the economy. Last month, we extended jobless benefits to 99 weeks to rescue the unemployed. Call it bailouts. Call it stimulus. Call it emergency aid. America seems to be losing its stomach for failure, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Spain Protects Bulls, But Not Babies

As Wesley J. Smith said this past Thursday in a post on Secondhand Smoke, the fact that the government of Catalonia has voted to ban bullfighting in that region of Spain starting in 2012 is a good thing. As Smith pointed out, bullfighting “is like dog fighting . . . . It is cruelty for sport . . . . . Continue Reading »



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