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Second Links — 8.5.10

Art historians think the recent study of the amount of food in pictures of the Last Supper doesn’t prove what it claims to prove, and that maybe the artists just liked to paint. A Catholic biker couple explains their work in the Catholic Cross Bearers motorcycle apostolate . Christopher . . . . Continue Reading »

The Rise of the Altar Girls

Yesterday, reporter of all things Catholic John Allen covered the story of the pentennial International Pilgrimage of Altar Servers that brought an estimated 50,000 alter servers to Rome for a rally with the Holy Father. Of particular interest, Allen notes, was the predominance of female attendees: . . . . Continue Reading »

Proximity the Key to Healing Prayer?

A new international study of healing prayer published in the Southern Medical Journa l suggests that prayer for another person’s healing can be effective if the one praying is physically near the person being prayed for: Subjects exhibited improved hearing and vision that was statistically . . . . Continue Reading »

Here Come The Thought Police

Today I wrote about the culture of intimidation in academia , a mentality confident that it should censure and punish traditional views of sexual morality. Although it was not available when I wrote the column, this morning I was fascinated to read Judge Walker’s decision to rule . . . . Continue Reading »

On Newman and Giertz

For our midwestern readers, at least those on the eastern side of the Midwest, news of two conferences being held in Pittsburgh: The first, which starts this afternoon, is the Newman Association of America’s annual conference . The main speakers include Fr. Ian Ker, author of the major . . . . Continue Reading »

The Allies Utterly Wrong?

“The Allied bombings in Europe, then, and the firebombing and atomic bombing in Japan, seem to have been deliberate targeting of civilian populations: in other words, intentional attacks on innocent human life,” writes Christopher Tollefsen in  The Abiding Significance of Hiroshima . . . . Continue Reading »



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