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What’s the Over/Under on My Getting a B+

A new website allows college students to wager on their GPA : Ultrinsic, currently in beta form, allows students at 37 colleges to gamble on their grades in each of the classes they take. The student hands over money to Ultrinsic—as well as access to his or her official school . . . . Continue Reading »

Resources on Science and Religion

Based on the comments I received from my blog posts on the science and religion debate, I want to point Evangel readers in the direction of some resources that would inform the conversation because––with the exception of a few interlocutors––pervasive ignorance and fear seem to . . . . Continue Reading »

Race and Remedies

John McWhorter reviews Amy Wax’s Race, Wrongs, and Remedies and finds the book is “depressing because it is so persuasive.” There is a school of thought in America which argues that the government must be the main force that provides help to the black community. This shibboleth is . . . . Continue Reading »

Nature and Palo Alto

So Palo Alto and Stanford might be as close to paradise as we will experience in this life—especially at the Stanford Park Hotel. I’m talking/discussing at a Hoover lunch today on NATURE these days, as part of a general effort to restore a natural foundation for conservatism. My . . . . Continue Reading »

The Moral Boundary of Taxation

Meghan McArdle raises an interesting point about the limits of taxation : [I]sn’t there some upper limit on tax brackets for the wealthy? When the Bush tax cuts expire, that top rate will go to 39.5%. Then there’s the 2.9% Medicare tax, and the 0.9% Medicare surtax we just enacted. . . . . Continue Reading »

Mathers and His Apologists

In Our Abusive Balladeers , Joe Carter apologizes for his generation’s role in the debasing of our culture, and particularly for the violent and misogynist music Eminem and his peers. “On one of his earlier albums,” Carter writes, Mathers rapped about raping his mother, arranging . . . . Continue Reading »



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