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More Entries, Please

You have probably gotten so used to seeing the announcement that you don’t notice it any more, but I commend to your attention our Students of Faith Survey . We would be grateful if readers who are in college or who graduated in the last couple of years would fill it out, and if the rest of . . . . Continue Reading »

Robert George on EWTN

Robert P. George (Princeton profile and photo  here and Wikipedia article here ) will be appearing this evening at 8:00 on Raymond Arroyo’s show, “The World Live” on EWTN. The network offers a channel finder . George is a member of the First Things board. Among his “On . . . . Continue Reading »

Bishops Aren’t Coaches or Corporate CEOs

This week we learned that the Pope will not accept the resignation of two Irish auxiliary bishops, Eamonn Walsh and Raymond Field. The Murphy Report in 2009 implicated them in the larger failures of the Irish hierarchy to respond to sexual abuse by priest. John Allen at the National Catholic . . . . Continue Reading »

Marriage Natural and Supernatural

There tends to be confusion in some responses to the recent decision to overturn Proposition 8 in California. On the one hand, defenders of traditional marriage often point to natural law, or if not natural law, at least a common wisdom about the natural purposes of marriage—a disciplining . . . . Continue Reading »

Softcore From Sears

Middle-aged readers, at least those who grew up in certain areas, may remember that Sears was once the definition of uncool. It was the processed cheese spread of retailing. It was stereotypical middle America. Imagine my surprise when a friend sent out the link to a story titled  Sears: Where . . . . Continue Reading »

Cybersexuality Today

Today in “On the Square,” Mary Rose Somarriba describes A Girl’s Life in the Cyberbubble . The sexualization of children, she writes, seems to be affecting girls more than boys, and sexualization is different from healthy sexuality. As Sax sees it, girls who dress sexy “prior . . . . Continue Reading »



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