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Cattle Cloned from Dead Animals: So?

I am not sure I understand why this is noteworthy.  Some cattle has been cloned from dead animals and their offspring have entered the food chain.   From the BBC report, “Cattle Cloned From Dead Animals:The aim of livestock cloning is to clone the best animals to produce the best . . . . Continue Reading »

The 20 Worst Christians of All Time

“Out of all the gangsters, serial killers, mass murderers, incompetent & crooked politicians, spies, traitors, and ultra left-wing kooks in all of American history,” asked conservative blogger John Hawkins, “have you ever wondered who the worst of the worst was?” Though I . . . . Continue Reading »

Great Review of A Rat is a Pig, Etc.

Three days off the grid and I’m feeling good, made even better to see a very good review of A Rat is a Pig is a Dog is a Boy in the American Spectator.  From the conclusion of the review by Rev. Michael P. Orsi:Smith debunks activist claims of the need for animal rights, providing . . . . Continue Reading »

Creating Sabbath Peace Amid the Noise

My friend Tim Russell, headmaster of Westminster Academy in Memphis, TN, pointed me to a fascinating article in the New York Times by Judith Shulevitz titled, “Creating Sabbath Peace Amid the Noise.” Shulevitz writes:But what if you wanted to revive something like the Sabbath today? What . . . . Continue Reading »

Catholic Links — 8.14.10

In a L’Osservatore Romano article titled “Jesus and the Children,” the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments declared that “delaying first communion deprive[s] children . . . of this grace, work and presence of Jesus, of this . . . . Continue Reading »

Thirty Three Things (v. 10)

1. Words °°°°°° 2. The Calvin and Hobbes Search Engine °°°°°° 3. Mollie Ziegler Hemingway on Motherhood as Vocation How should Christians think about the Mommy Wars? Vocationally. You may have heard vocation used as a synonym for occupation. But . . . . Continue Reading »

Second Links — 8.13.10

Americans calling themselves sovereign citizens “don’t register children’s births, carry driver’s licenses or recognize the court system” and believe that “The government creates a secret identity for each citizen at birth, a ‘straw man,’ that . . . . Continue Reading »



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