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My Predictions in Bioethics for 2011

Each year, the Center for Bioethics and Culture asks me to prognosticate about the coming 12 months in bioethics.  My record was pretty good for 2010. But the CBC refuses to let me rest on my laurels.  So, once again, I enter the prognosticating fray—stating what I think will happen, . . . . Continue Reading »

Family Values

Slate ‘s William Saletan finds a rational basis for the incest taboo: it tends to destroy the family by upsetting the roles people play and the relationships they (are supposed to) have within it. So—he heaves a huge sigh of relief—there’s no slippery slope from approval or . . . . Continue Reading »

Tearing Down Fences

Chesterton wisely advised would-be reformers to know what a fence is for before tearing it down. You never know what it might be keeping out. This morning On the Square, R.R. Reno considers the worth of the American Empire and comes to the conclusion—contra Julian Assange—that it should . . . . Continue Reading »

Pity the Downtrodden Billionaires

William McGurn has a piece at the online  Wall Street Journal asking exactly why Republicans have a hard time providing moral argumentation for tax reductions affecting billionaires. The other side, he points out, have their contentions well in place. In [Senator Bernie Sandners, Vermont] . . . . Continue Reading »

Social Justice Begins at Home

David French has a proposal for Christian parents : I’ve got a deal for you. It’s simple: If you sign up for my program, there’s a roughly 80 percent chance that the man’s happiness will increase substantially. And women, there’s about a 50 percent chance you’ll . . . . Continue Reading »

You Couldn’t Do That With Your Shirt On?

The look on Pope Benedict’s face is priceless. According to ABC News in Los Angeles : There was a surprising performance at the Vatican on Wednesday, where a group of male acrobats tore off their shirts in front of the Pope. The four Pellegrini Brothers appeared on stage in white suits, but . . . . Continue Reading »

Just Say No To Being a Loser

A new report shows that after years of decline, use of marijuana by teens is on the rise : More American high school seniors are smoking marijuana daily now than at any time since the early 1980s, and they’re actually smoking more pot than cigarettes, according to a survey released Tuesday. . . . . Continue Reading »

NASA: Back to the Ice Age?

It makes one’s head spin. NASA has warned that computer models show we may be entering a new ice age. From the report:The Sun is the primary forcing of Earth’s climate system. Sunlight warms our world. Sunlight drives atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns. Sunlight powers the . . . . Continue Reading »



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