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The Self-Lacerating West

“The self-accusations are familiar,” writes R. R. Reno in The Pleasures of Self-Hatred , today’s “On the Square” offering. We are imperialists, racists, and purveyors of unsustainable consumption that threatens to engulf the world in an environmental . . . . Continue Reading »

The Soaring Judge Walker

In Judge Walker and the Language of the Law , Hadley Arkes quotes the judge’s now somewhat famous declaration that ““Relative gender composition aside, same-sex couples are situated identically to opposite-sex couples in terms of their ability to perform the rights and obligations . . . . Continue Reading »

How to Spot a Bad Preacher

As a lifelong student of rhetoric, I’ve always had a fascination and fondness for preachers. I’ve spent many years studying their manners and methods in order to learn how they are able to communicate to large groups in a way that feels intimate and familiar.For instance, one of my . . . . Continue Reading »

How to Spot a Bad Preacher

As a lifelong student of rhetoric, I’ve always had a fascination and fondness for preachers. I’ve spent many years studying their manners and methods in order to learn how they are able to communicate to large groups in a way that feels intimate and familiar. For instance, one of my . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Hip Christianity

I’ll go on record predicting that liturgy is going to make a big comeback among evangelicals.  Preaching is content and content is now everywhere.  You don’t have to be at James MacDonald’s church in order to hear him preach.  He’s on your computer, in your . . . . Continue Reading »

‘Hip’ Christianity and litur-tainment

For those who care about the future of the church this Wall Street Journal article by Brett McCracken is worth reading: The Perils of ‘Wannabe Cool’ Christianity. All of us are familiar with churches whose worship services feature bands, jugglers, and other forms of litur-tainment, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Western Self-Hatred & The Road to Rome

Coming tomorrow in “On the Square,” R. R. Reno examines the nature of Western self-hatred and the reasons for it. Then, in the second item, to be posted later in the morning, Sarah Hinlicky Wilson reflects on the status of the ecumenical movement (it has its good points and its bad . . . . Continue Reading »

That’s Going on Your Permanent Record

Google’s expanding empire has of late met with harsh criticism on the fronts of privacy and censorship, but has so far retained a magisterial air—making few concessions and continuing to push acceptance of its new technological paradigms. Amidst criticism that the company has done little . . . . Continue Reading »

The Heidegger Puzzle

The recent publication of transcripts of Martin Heidegger’s 1934 Freiburg seminars on Being, the People and the State simply adds to the confusion over the philosopher’s relationship to Nazism. Michael Wyschogrod reviewed Emanuel Faye’s widely-read book on Heidegger in the March . . . . Continue Reading »



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