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Second Links — 8.18.10

A pro-choice group runs ads with women dressed as bears , in a reference to Sarah Palin’s “momma grizzlies.” One woman says “Want to know what threatens me? My daughter not having the right to choose” and another that they want to “protect our right to . . . . Continue Reading »

Stagnating Friendliness, and a Walk to Rome

“I’m walking from Erfurt, Germany, where an earnest young Augustinian friar named Martin Luther tried to get right with God, to Rome—500 years after said friar made the same journey himself,” writes the Lutheran scholar and pastor, and former First Things fellow, Sarah . . . . Continue Reading »

Rambles in Search of a Point

1. So there were some fine comments in response to my course summary below. 2. First off, why not Nietzsche first? 3. To take Nietzsche seriously at all, we have to consider various respected descriptions about who we are these days. Bloom and Rorty don’t disagree on the facts—on . . . . Continue Reading »

President Obama Is Not Even A Muslim

Today’s Google News leads with a new poll showing that 18% of Americans think that Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. Only 34% of Americans think he is a Christian, down from 48% a year ago. And 43% gave the correct answer: they don’t know what he is.The great physicist Wolfgang Pauli . . . . Continue Reading »

China and the Future

After the accountants tallied up their figures, Chinese GDP surpassed Japan’s in the second quarter of this year. No surprises there. The torrid growth of the Chinese economy over the last two decades has made this milestone inevitable. The population of China is ten times greater than that . . . . Continue Reading »

Brownies and Milk and Blaise Pascal

[Note: This is a companion post to yesterday's “The Probability of God.”] Life is a gamble. Every day we are forced to make decisions based on imperfect knowledge, unsure of the outcomes of our choices. We do the best we can with what we have available, developing strategies based on . . . . Continue Reading »



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