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Does Sleeping Around Make People Happier?

Providing support for a point I made in my previous post , Marina Adshade finds an unsurprisingly correlation between promiscuity and unhappiness : Sex makes us happy (do I need to cite my source for that?), but how about 1970’s style love-the-one-you’re-with sex? You know the kind of sex . . . . Continue Reading »

Rejecting Industrialized Sex

In his essay on “The Pleasures of Eating” , the philosopher and farmer Wendell Berry says that after delivering a lecture on the decline of American farming and rural life, someone in the audience would invariably ask what city people can do. “Eat responsibly,” Berry would . . . . Continue Reading »

Islam in America: Are We Ready?

We Christians have a bad habit of not paying attention. It has hurt us in the past, and it’s about to do it again.Our big social concern in the 1990s was abortion. Another steamroller social issue was bearing down on us then, though: the homosexual attack on marriage, family, and sexual . . . . Continue Reading »

The American Church and Africa

I will make this short and simple, but I have hopes that many will be interested in the idea.We have all seen that huge amounts of foreign aid pouring into Africa through the years has done relatively little to make the lives of Africans better.  They still lack some of the basic things like . . . . Continue Reading »

Thirty Three Things (v. 11)

1. How ancient Greek statues really looked Original Greek statues were brightly painted, but after thousands of years, those paints have worn away. Find out how shining a light on the statues can be all that’s required to see them as they were thousands of years ago. . . . . Continue Reading »

A New Appointment

King’s College is an undergraduate institution in Manhattan.  Revitalized by Campus Crusade a decade or so ago, it was moved to the Empire State Building. The college was meant to bring Christ to Babylon, and to bring Christian students into the hurley-burley of a global city. Today . . . . Continue Reading »



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