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The Eternal Game

“Unfortunately our recent study of the highly popular Earth-being religion Major League Baseball suggests that the planet’s dominant species—a semi-gelatinous, endoskeletal, sexually-reproducing biped—is not sufficiently evolved for consciousness absorption,” writes . . . . Continue Reading »

College and Conservatism

Last week Insider Higher Education offered a helpful summary of a new study that dug down a bit into the culture of higher education to see how conservative students survive and thrive . The study found that students at an elite liberal arts college tended to have positive experiences, even though . . . . Continue Reading »

When the Prophet Enters

Today in “On the Square,” Joseph Bottum reflects on the Bible’s hard sayings, which are “too many, too hard, to be entirely exegeted away in historical criticism, or eased with gentler passages in antidote, or shrugged off as the overstatement of prophetic rhetoric,” . . . . Continue Reading »

Strangers in a Strange Land

In addition to a “royal priesthood” and a “holy nation,” the King James Bible speaks of Christians in 1 Peter 2:9 as a “peculiar people.”  Modern translations dispense with the term, but it seems that to at least one sociologist, some Bible-belt Christians . . . . Continue Reading »



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