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Is Dinesh D’Souza a Catholic?

In a post last week on the appointment of Dinesh D’Souza as president of King’s College, Rusty Reno wrote : Surely we’re at an interesting juncture in American religious history when a prominent Catholic is tapped to head up an Evangelical College. A very interesting . . . . Continue Reading »

What Jews Misunderstand About Christian Zionism

At Slate, Steven I. Weiss examines the motivations for Christian zionism : All of which begs the question: If they’re not doing it for a right-wing agenda, a missionary agenda, or an apocalyptic agenda, just why are Christians uniting for Israel? It’s because they love Jews. When I went . . . . Continue Reading »

God and Dogs

When I was training my golden retriever, one command I impressed upon him above all others:  the essential “come!” command. That no matter what the circumstances, no matter how enticing a particular plant, person, or fellow canine might appear to be, when I gave the command to . . . . Continue Reading »

The Classics and Statecraft

Adam Kirsch, whose poetry I admire, has a surprisingly muddled argument on the value of great books for world leaders in a recent article for The New Republic . Responding to Charles Hill’s argument in Grand Strategies: Literature, Statecraft, and World Order that great books tutor leaders in . . . . Continue Reading »

A Brief Primer on Stem Cell Research

The issue of research involving stem cells derived from human embryos is back in the news after a federal judge clarified that the government cannot use federal funds for such immoral research. Although the debate has been ongoing for almost ten years, the complexity of the issue and the peculiar . . . . Continue Reading »

Love and justice in politics

It is all too common these days to play off love against justice. My friend and one-time colleague Gideon Strauss, now of the Center for Public Justice, has written a marvellous piece that properly draws an intimate connection between the two. It is worth republishing below in full:“Justice is . . . . Continue Reading »

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Justin Taylor has reposted David Powlison’s critique of Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Powlison is the author of the so-called Biblical Counseling chapter of the IVP Five Views book on psychology and Christianity.I’m not going to worry about the issue, pointed out several times in the . . . . Continue Reading »



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