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Why Be an Atheist?

A friend responding to my The Advent Search (Monday’s “On the Square” column), writes: It reminds me of an apostate former Catholic friend who said: “Why bother to be an atheist? It takes too much energy. Far better to be an agnostic . . . .”  But sooner or later, . . . . Continue Reading »

Top Ten Sacred Christmas Songs

The music of Christmas is rich in tradition and powerful in its appeal. We did a little in-house poll, and these emerged as the staff favorites: O Magnum Mysterium Weihnachtsleid Good Christian Men Rejoice Listen online here . O Come All Ye Faithful For Unto Us a Child is Born See Amid the . . . . Continue Reading »

Wax On. Wax Off.

One of my favorite movies is The Karate Kid. Who can’t identify in some way with Daniel Larusso, uprooted from all that is familiar by his single mom and plopped down in a new environment where he is the outsider, the new kid who becomes automatic bully bait for the tough guys at school. A lot . . . . Continue Reading »

No European Roe v. Wade

The European Court of Human Rights has refused to impose a European Roe v. Wade. Three women sued Ireland because the country outlaws abortion. But the Court ruled that there is no “right” to abortion in the European Convention, and hence Ireland’s law remains in effect. From The . . . . Continue Reading »

European Court Rules Against Irish Abortion Law

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Ireland’s laws banning abortion breach European human rights law because they do not make exceptions when the life of the mother is in danger : In a landmark and binding case that could have implications for other European countries, the court . . . . Continue Reading »



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