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Restoring Dignity to Blue Collar Work

I’ve long enjoyed reading Camille Paglia, surely one of the most interesting voices in academia, full of piss and vinegar, and capable of original thought. I remember reading her insightful and very funny essay, “The Joy of Presbyterian Sex,” in the 1980s and marking her down as . . . . Continue Reading »

They Could Speak Better

It was a big move for the Pentecostal World Conference to have an official from the World Council of Churches, wrote a Pentecostal friend responding to my  Need They Speak This Way? , and both sides must have feared that the relation could fall apart before it had really begun, if he said . . . . Continue Reading »

A Life Science Lesson for the NIH Director

It’s no secret that Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health (and an evangelical Christian), is a proponent of embryo-destructive research. No matter what his other qualifications, President Obama would never have appointed the former head of the Human Genome Project . . . . Continue Reading »

So Horrible It Taints All

Reflections after reading Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave GirlSlavery was the original American sin.I don’t know anyone who justifies race-based slavery, but I have known seemingly good folk with more than a dollop of sympathy for the Confederacy. Growing centralized . . . . Continue Reading »

The Gospel and Glenn Beck

There are probably a number of legitimate perspectives that First Things could offer on Glenn Beck’s recent rally in Washington, D.C. As an evangelical who is allergic to civic religion, my take is likely to be extremely unpopular. I am a fervent believer in the need for Christianity to take . . . . Continue Reading »

Same-Sex Marriage and the Seinfeld Effect

At the always superb Public Discourse, Matthew J. Franck and Gwen Brown have a great essay on why same-sex marriage is becoming more “accepted”: In the 1993 Seinfeld episode “The Outing,” a female reporter mistakes Jerry Seinfeld and his friend George Costanza for homosexual . . . . Continue Reading »



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