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Not Your Smallest Lutheran Church

It is very hard to swallow yet another Lutheran church body in America but that, following a two-day August 26-27 convocation in Columbus, Ohio, is what America has: the North American Lutheran Church (NALC). “North America” sounds rather expansive and that is only because some few . . . . Continue Reading »

Evangelicalism and the Tower of Babel

Looking over the blogosphere as it relates to evangelicals has been an entertaining, yet frightening exercise. It is entertaining, so far as blogs go, to produce and weigh in upon controversy. It is frightening in that participating in the controversy has been an ugly affair. Take the dispute . . . . Continue Reading »

Overrating Overrated Writers

Outing overrated writers is a favorite pastime of critics everywhere, and this summer particularly so. First there was Gabriel Josipivici’s attack in The Guardian on Martin Amis, Salman Rushdie, Ian McEwan and Julian Barnes. They exhibit a “petty-bourgeois uptightness,” a . . . . Continue Reading »

American Exports

Unfortunately, the United States government and the development agencies it funds seem determined to export our culture of contraception. As a story in the Philippine Daily Inquirer reports , American agencies have been intimately involved in the design of a big push to “normalize” . . . . Continue Reading »

Not Giving in to No-Fault Divorce

When Beverly Willett’s husband filed for divorce she did what is considered absurd, if not unthinkable, in our culture: she refused to divorce him . One night when I was up reluctantly working on the divorce papers, my eldest daughter appeared by my side. “I don’t want you to get a . . . . Continue Reading »

The Preferential Option for Private Charities

In BP’s Unbalanced, Uncharitable Funding , Rob Bluey argues that BP has made the wrong choice in giving money to state governments rather than to private charities. By embracing government bureaucracy over private efficiency, the company is forcing charities struggling to respond to the . . . . Continue Reading »

Chaput on the World’s Two Biggest Lies

In a comment to my post yesterday criticizing the self-promotion of Glenn Beck as a leader for conservative Christians, a reader asks, “exactly where is the charismatic Christian leader who would be preferable in your eyes to Mr. Beck?” That’s a fair question. My personal . . . . Continue Reading »

The Genie Won’t Go Back

“In fairness to [Glenn] Beck,” writes Elizabeth Scalia in her “On the Square” column today, The Old Times, the End Times, and Glenn Beck , he and Sarah Palin and the rest managed to craft something nearly unthinkable in 21st Century America: a political event so infused with . . . . Continue Reading »

Random Additions

1. Also appearing in the most recent PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICAL SCIENCE is a most relevant and insightful article by one of our country’s most distinguished public intellectuals, Irving Louis Horowitz: “Legalism as an Executive Ideology: Foundations of Barack Obama’s Leadership . . . . Continue Reading »



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