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O Sting …

Popular in requiems and funereal music, 1 Corinthians 15:55 can rouse tear-sodden lids, but sees only the rarest treatment in music’s popular genres. To dispatch with this dilemma, poet David Musgrave has infused the verse with new musical nuance in a poem titled “On the Inevitable . . . . Continue Reading »

Beating Up on the Left

Alex Knepper is an undergraduate at American University, and he’s not gonna take it any more. In a forcefully written denunciation of what he diagnoses as a mindless anti-conservatism at the root of the Leftist mentality, ” The roots of the left’s love affair with Islam ,” . . . . Continue Reading »

America as Greece?

Ron Johnson, a Republican running for Feingold’s Senate seat in Wisconsin, says America is becoming Greece , collapsing in financial crisis. True? There is this fact to add to the mix. Over at super economics blogger Megan McArdle’s web page , a commenter complained, in another context, . . . . Continue Reading »



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