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Deranged People With Guns

What’s next?  An animal rights suicide bomber at the Bronx Zoo? Our tendency is to try to read some larger meaning into the bizarre story of James Lee, the paradoxically anti-human humanist—saving us from ourselves by making sure there aren’t any more selves—who held . . . . Continue Reading »

The President’s Pastoral Emails

Why do between a fifth and a quarter of Americans think that Barack Obama is a Muslim? I was interviewed this morning by one new outlet on this topic. Perhaps 10% of the population listens to the talk-radio conspiracy theorists who actually believe that Obama is a covert Muslim, which of course is . . . . Continue Reading »

A Mormon Perspective on the Beck Rally

“Where we disagree we should try to put the best possible construction on the position of the other, while never trimming the truth,” wrote Fr. Neuhaus , “That will become more important as Mormons become more of a presence, both in this country and the world.” I was . . . . Continue Reading »

Are Human ESC Trials Premature?

Some in the ESCR community—and I am referring to those without moral objections—are worried that the coming ESC human trials are premature. From the story:Scientists are poised to inject cells created from embryonic stem cells into some patients with a progressive form of blindness and . . . . Continue Reading »

Russell Kirk’s All-Time Bestseller

Cross-posted from First Thoughts . . .Many of us who are Christians and/or conservatives have enjoyed Russell Kirk’s books over the years.  Although The Conservative Mind gets most of the attention, I suspect some may have found The Roots of American Order to be a better read. . . . . Continue Reading »

Russell Kirk’s All-Time Bestseller

Many of us who are Christians and/or conservatives have enjoyed Russell Kirk’s books over the years.  Although The Conservative Mind gets most of the attention, I suspect some may have found The Roots of American Order to be a better read.  The difference is that The Conservative . . . . Continue Reading »

Hawking’s ‘god’

The eminent British physicist has issued this seemingly troubling  pronouncement ex cathedra: Stephen Hawking: God was not needed to create the Universe. Though some may find this disillusioning, others will easily (and gratefully) recognize the measure of truth in his conclusion:Because there . . . . Continue Reading »



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