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Academia’s Religious Turn

“It was inevitable,” writes William Johnsen in the inaugural issue of English Language Notes (Summer 2006), “that the shame associated with admitting religious belief in the secular world of the human sciences in midcentury would prepare the ground for the great succès de . . . . Continue Reading »

My Book and Chinese Straussianism

1. My MODERN AND AMERICAN DIGNITY is now available for immediate delivery on AMAZON. The great news is that if you—like ME—have AMAZON PRIME, there’s still plenty of time to get copies for Christmas giving. 2. I’m sure everyone has read the article in THE NEW REPUBLIC by . . . . Continue Reading »

NHS Meltdown: Treatment Denied!

I am sadly reminded of the old surfer song, that begins with a maniacal laughter: Hahahahahahaha,” and then the emphatic word, “Wipeout!”The NHS is cracking up. Now, patients are being denied treatments ranging from hip replacements to wisdom teeth extractions and routine . . . . Continue Reading »

Thirty Three Things (v. 28)

1. Jingle Bells was the first song played in space Just before Stafford and Schirra were scheduled to reenter Earth’s atmosphere December 16, the pair reported they had sighted some sort of UFO. Schirra recounted the moment when Stafford contacted Mission Control in Schirra’s Space, a . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Taking Marriage for Granted Fails

When contending with philosophic heavyweights, one can either refuse to argue or argue to win, but the worst thing one can do is to debate without actually arguing. Something like that was in play when NYU Law professor Kenji Yoshino penned a brief response in Slate to “ What is Marriage . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 12.17.10

“The Dude” urges people to stay married and offers advice in how to do it. Cambridge classicist Mary Beard describes her visit to St. Peter’s in Rome . A Reformed theologian reflects on his visit to Rome , and on Catholic superstitions. And also on how Catholics misunderstand . . . . Continue Reading »

Partisan Science Hurts Science

I just read an interesting article in Slate that should disturb anyone who truly supports science—as opposed to supporting an ideological agenda that masks as science.   Daniel Sarewitz writes that most (American) scientists are Democrats.  From “Lab Politics:” A Pew . . . . Continue Reading »



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