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Where Does It Stop, Gen. Petraeus?

Over on the Spengler blog , David Goldman wonders why General Petraeus is weighing in on a First Amendment issue: Burning the Koran (or any book) is a bad thing, and the Rev. Terry Jones of something called the Dove World Outreach Center will violate basic standards of decency when he sets fire to . . . . Continue Reading »

Where Are the Great American Rabbis?

At Slate, Shmuel Rosner wonders whether Jewish America haslost its chance to foster home-grown rabbinical sages : The Jewish world of the 21st century has very few, if any, rabbis and scholars universally accepted as “great” or “sagely” who are admired even by those outside . . . . Continue Reading »

Where Does It Stop, Gen. Petraeus?

Burning the Koran (or any book) is a bad thing, and the Rev. Terry Jones of something called the Dove World Outreach Center will violate basic standards of decency when he sets fire to the Muslim holy book on Sept. 11. But it is Constitutionally-protected free speech. Last year a North Carolina . . . . Continue Reading »

Is God a Liberal American Protestant?

Although it is only September, I think it is safe to say that the “Burn a Koran” day is the pseudo-event of the year. Despite being completely insignificant, the fifty member Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida has managed—thanks to the media—to get worldwide . . . . Continue Reading »

Juristocracy versus democracy

Under its late founding editor, Fr. Neuhaus, this journal made its reputation in part by its opposition to the judicial usurpation of democracy, culminating in its controversial 1996 symposium under that title. Those interested in the topic would do well to read James Grant’s fascinating . . . . Continue Reading »


So I learned a lot at the political science convention and saw many postmodern conservatives. Let me begin by saying a word or two about the last panel on Sunday morning. 1. Our Jim Ceaser (a distinguished panelist) has often said that the job of “we Straussians” or, better, “we . . . . Continue Reading »

In Praise of Slow Justice

Although the Slow Movement —a cultural shift toward slowing down life’s pace—began in the late 1980s, it has recently undergone a surge in popularity. Today there are numerous offshoots, including slow money , slow parenting , and slow journalism . While I’m not quite ready to . . . . Continue Reading »

How To Start the Gospel

The inimitable Fred Sanders examines the opening lines of the four Gospels : Say you’re an apostle or one of their disciples, and your job is to write a gospel. What are the rules for how you start a gospel? Well, there are only four real gospels, let’s check them out real quick. Mark . . . . Continue Reading »



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