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A Giver of Rings

Beowulf contains a great many lessons relevant to daily living. First, don’t go to sleep near the hero or the monster will eat you. Second, after you kill a monster don’t go to sleep before knowing whether the monster has a mother bent on vengeance. If you don’t take care, she . . . . Continue Reading »

Shaping the heart, not just the mind

Over the past twenty or so years, publishers have turned out a steady stream of Christian worldview books, which together have altered the conversation over the relationship between faith and cultural activities in God’s world. Most of these have sought to reshape a “Christian . . . . Continue Reading »

Elite Leadership and Anxiety About Islam

As September 11 passed, I found myself thinking about the Ground Zero mosque, and the bizarre on-again, off-again story of planned Koran burning in Florida. Why, I found myself wondering, have these stories come to the fore? I’m more and more convinced that these strange episodes—as well . . . . Continue Reading »


It was a tradition I was rather fond of: Once a year or so, like the turning of the leaves, my friend Christopher Hitchens would take aim at something I’d written. His most recent , just pointed out to me by an acquaintance on Facebook, is in the journal Free Inquiry . Appearing under the . . . . Continue Reading »

Feed My Reader

Each day I use Google Reader to sift through roughly a thousand posts on a couple of hundred blogs (310 to be exact) in order to find material for daily blog posts and the 33 Things feature. Still, it’s not nearly enough to find the content I need. There are at least a few hundred more worthy . . . . Continue Reading »



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