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Terror Plot Against the Pope?

Early this morning, London’s Metropolitan Police arrested five men in connection with a possible terror plot aimed at Pope Benedict XVI. The arrests were made at 0545 BST at addresses in London after counter-terrorism officers received intelligence of a potential threat. The five men have been . . . . Continue Reading »

Paper Tiger Protestors?

The  Los Angeles Times , not a paper outwardly friendly to the Church, has  commented on the pope’s tour through Scotland: “More than 100,000 well-wishers greeted Benedict as he travelled the streets of Edinburgh in his specially designed Popemobile, with his shoulders wrapped . . . . Continue Reading »

Who Are These People?

There are some who now seek to exclude religious belief from public discourse, to privatize it or even to paint it as a threat to equality and liberty. Yet religion is in fact a guarantee of authentic liberty and respect, leading us to look upon every person as a brother or sister. — Pope . . . . Continue Reading »

50 Memorable (But Obscure) Movie Quotes

Every Friday on First Thoughts we host a discussion about some aspect of popular culture. Unfortunately, I didn’t prepare a topic in time for this week so I’m recycling a previous post. Have a suggestion for a topic? (I need some fresh ideas.) Send them to me at] . . . . Continue Reading »

What in the WORLD Did She Just Say?

I was shocked and saddened to see WORLD magazine—where I once served as blog editor—publish a piece of syncretistic drivel by their longtime columnist Andrée Seu:It was obvious to me that [Glenn Beck] was a new creation in Christ. I know he’s Mormon and all that. I also remember . . . . Continue Reading »

A Possibility That Had Never Occurred to Me

According to a new poll , a press release for which I’ve just received, only about one in six Americans think Glenn Beck would be a good leader for a religious movement. This strikes me as similar to polling people on whether the First Things editors should try out for the New York Knicks, . . . . Continue Reading »



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